This conference offered engaging lectures, discussions, and workshops on the outcome of the ERASMUS+ project on Chemical Safety in Science Education:
Place: Helsinki, Finland or online
When: June 7th–8th 2023
Conference language: English
Target audience: Science and chemistry teachers, heads of schools and science teacher educators
Wednesday June 7th 2023
Place: University of Helsinki, Chemistry department
- 12:00Opening session
Jenny Olander, Stockholm University - 12:15Official opening of online materials
Kirsten Fiskum, University of Oslo - 12:30Keynote: What is New in Chemistry Legislation in EU?
Nicolas Herbatschek, ECHA – European Chemicals Agency - 13:30Discussions in groups
- 14:00Coffee break in the lobby
- 14:30Excursion to University of Helsinki, Gadolin – chemistry lab for schools
Outi Haatainen, Development Manager of ChemistryLab Gadolin, University of Helsinki - 16:30Transport to the conference hotel, Hotel Rantapuisto
- 19:00Dinner (at the hotel)
Thursday June 8th 2023
Place: Hotel Rantapuisto, Furuborginkatu 3 (Furuborgs street), Helsinki
- 09:00Keynote: Managing Risk in School Science – a Common Sense Approach (pdf)
Steve Jones, CLEAPSS – Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the Provision of Science Services - 10:15Pause
- 10:30Workshops –, round 1 (see below)
- 11:30Lunch
- 12:30Workshops –, round 2 (see below)
- 13:30Pause
- 13:45Poster session with coffee
Participants presented posters covering chemical safety and green chemistry - 14:45Pause
- 15:00Keynote: Green chemistry – An Upstream Approach to Addressing Sustainable Development Goals
Amy Cannon, Beyond Benign - 16:15Closing words
Ari Myllyviita, University of Helsinki - 18:00Sauna (beer and traditional Finnish sauna food)
Workshops –
Some workshops was arranged both in-person and online.
- Risk Assessment and Substitution
Kirsten Fiskum, University of Oslo
Sara Holland, Stockholm University - Green Chemistry
Katarina Mlinarec, Vesna Ferk Savec and Taja Klemen, University of Ljubljana - Labelling, Storage, and Waste Management
Svein Tveit, University of Oslo
Jenna Salmijärvi, University of Helsinki - Chemical Safety Routines in Schools
Karoline Fægri, University of Oslo
Jenny Olander, Stockholm University - Chemical Safety Training
Ari Myllyviita, University of Helsinki
Cecilia Stenberg, Stockholm University
Project partners and contact persons
- Stockholm University, Sweden
Contact person: Jenny Olander, - University of Helsinki, Finland
Contact person: Ari Myllyviita, - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact person: Vesna Ferk Savec, - University of Oslo, Norway
Contact person: Kirsten Fiskum,

Keynote speakers
Nicolas Herbatschek
Legal Advisor at ECHA – European Chemicals Agency
Steve Jones
Director of CLEAPSS – Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the Provision of Science Services
Amy Cannon
Executive director and co-founder of Beyond Benign, Green Chemistry education for a sustainable future